An Institutional Icon
San Yu Adventist School (SYAS) is set on a mission to provide caring, quality Christian education. The beginning of this rewarding journey to nurture the mental, physical and spiritual development of our youth can be traced back to 1907.
Fast forward to today, San Yu Adventist School (SYAS) is also a SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) registered private education institution which is certified under the EduTrust Certification Scheme. Most of our courses are largely based on the Singapore Ministry of Education’s syllabuses; via an integrated pedagogy. Our students continue to be enriched by a dynamic curriculum that includes, but is not limited to, spiritual enrichment, the philosophy of sports and social decorum. This is guided by our long-standing philosophical belief: Sanyu (三育) or “Three-Fold Education” of Spirit, Mind and Body.
Our school crest pays homage to SYAS’s heritage albeit clarified for the modern aesthetic. Expanding on the rich Christian symbolism already evident in both the Chinese name and the original school crest, the new brand identity further concretises the brand positioning of the school.
Visually, clean and structural shapes are juxtaposed against the rounded corners to convey the diametric nature of SYAS’ care and discipline. Finally, the new brand vocabulary becomes a full-fledged brand language that can be applied to a multitude of brand touchpoints.