Grading System & Promotion Criteria

Last Updated: 12 July 2021

Primary 1 – 4

Status Grades Marks (%) Descriptors
Pass A* 91 & above Demonstrates very good understanding of the subject
Pass A
75 – 90
60 – 74
Demonstrates good understanding of the subject
Pass C 50 – 59 Demonstrates adequate understanding of the subject
Fail D 35 – 49 Demonstrates fair understanding of the subject
Fail E 20 – 34 Demonstrates elementary understanding of the subject
Fail U 19 & below Has not met minimum requirements for the subject

Criteria for passing: Pass in English with an average of 50% for core subjects.

Primary 5 – 6

Achievement Levels (AL) Raw Mark Range
1 ≥ 90
2 85 - 89
3 80 - 84
4 75 - 79
5 65 - 74
6 45 - 64
7 20 - 44
8 < 20

Criteria for passing: Pass in English (50%) with an average of 50% for core subjects.
For promotion from Primary 5 to Primary 6, pass in all PSLE subjects for consideration to take the PSLE.


Preparatory Secondary 1 Foundation Class, Secondary 1 & 2

Status Grades Marks (%) Descriptors
Pass A 80 & above Demonstrates very good understanding of the subject
Pass B
70 – 79
60 – 69
Demonstrates good understanding of the subject
Pass D 50 – 59 Demonstrates adequate understanding of the subject
Fail F 49 & below Has not met minimum requirements for the subject

Criteria for passing: Pass in English with an average of 50% for core subjects.
Only those who have obtained at least a B grade for Secondary 2 Maths can apply to take Additional Maths in Secondary 3.


Secondary 3 & 4

Status Grades Marks (%) Descriptors
GCE O-Level Pass A1
75 & above
70 – 74
Demonstrates very good understanding of the subject
GCE O-Level Pass B3
65 – 69
60 – 64
Demonstrates good understanding of the subject
GCE O-Level Pass C5
55 – 59
50 – 54
Demonstrates adequate understanding of the subject
Below GCE O-Level Pass D7
45 – 49
40 – 44
Demonstrates elementary understanding of the subject
Fail F 39 & below Has not met minimum requirements for the subject

Criteria for passing: Obtain 4 credits and a D7 pass, of which one of these subjects must be English.